Blog post

Faced with an unprecedented pandemic, governments across the Americas have begun to respond to COVID-19 in a variety of ways, ranging from calling for states of emergencies, to imposing travel bans, to implementing quarantines. Stakes are high and the way governments respond to this pandemic could determine the future of millions of people.

Governments are ultimately responsible for protecting people and their human rights but have often failed to do so in the Americas. Deep inequality, structural discrimination, a tendency to revert to repressive policing, censorship, underfunded public health systems, and inadequate social security and labour protections long predate the outbreak of COVID-19 in the region.

Transitional Justice Handbook for Latin America,

This book’s goal is to dialogue with the large and growing community of professionals, government officials, activists, and academics who are engaged in our region to promote the work of confronting the authoritarian or violent past of our countries. Latin America has become, in fact, one of the most dynamic areas in the search for routes to transitional justice in recent decades.

Torture in children

Torture in children happens during peace times and during political violence and war conflicts. The majority of torture victims happen during peace times. The high-risk groups are impoverished children living in the street, children deprived of parental care, children in conflict with the law, and children in detention. During political violence and war the high risk children are the children detained during political violence, child soldiers, children internally displaced in refugee camps, detained children during the war against terrorism and children tortured by peacekeeping forces.

Rebuilding Lives

Rebuilding Lives focuses on five Fund-supported projects in Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Pakistan and Rwanda, representing the five regions of the world. The projects are described in brief articles supplemented by a series of photographs. These should allow readers to have a greater understanding of the experiences of torture victims and the rehabilitative services provided by the organizations.

State violence in Chile

This General report has been drawn up by Centro de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos, CINTRAS, based on the analysis of the most important and recent studies and publications regarding torture and maltreatment in Chile, on a general review of the printed press over the last few years, and on interviews with lawyers specialized in this field, as well as with representatives of entities that work defending the rights of people arrested and imprisoned.

The struggle that must be won

A book published on the occasion of the IRCT’s 20th anniversary, in 2005, tells the history of the organisation through personal tales and testimonies.

Corporacion de Promocion y Defensa de los Derechos del Pueblo (CODEPU)

The primary objectives of CODEPU are to promote and protect human rights through treatment, support, defence, reporting, training, and investigation; and to cooperate in the consolidation of democracy and the effective promotion of the rights of individuals and communities.

Survivors Perception of Reparation – REDRESS

It is hoped that this research will act as a first step towards a better understanding of what survivors want and expect from reparation. This in turn will help to make the services offered as effective as possible. The survey details what research has already been undertaken in this area and identifies gaps in that research, with a view to determining the needs for additional courses of action.