Communities in Crisis: Strengthening Resources for Community Reconstruction

Narrative report from 6th International Conference for Health and Human Rights – held in Cavtat, Croatia 21-24 June 2001.

Building a Conceptual Framework for Psychosocial Intervention in Complex Emergencies

Reporting on the work of the Psychosocial Working Group. (A Joint Academic-Humanitarian Agency Initiative regarding response to the Psychosocial Needs of Refugees and War-affected Populations)

Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights – Osijek

Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights, Osijek was founded in May 1992 by a number of intellectuals (doctors, teachers, lawyers and economists) as a contribution to preserving a nucleus of civil society resistant to ethnic, religious, political or ideological divisions imposed by the war.

Society for Psychological Assistance (SPA)

The SPA is a registered (since 1993), non-profit, non-governmental mental health organization. It is based in Zagreb, Croatia. It welcomes mental health professionals as full members and other people as beneficiaries without regard to gender, race, ethnicity or religious affiliation. (In Croatian and English.)