The Survivors Trust

The Survivors Trust is the largest umbrella agency for specialist rape and sexual abuse services in the UK and has been providing infrastructure support to members for the past 20 years. They have 120 member agencies based in the UK and Ireland providing information, advice, support and therapy to over 80,000 individual survivors each year. Their services work with victims and survivors of all ages, all genders, of all forms of sexual violence, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, including support for partners and family members.


Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) is an independent human rights organisation with cross community membership in Northern Ireland and beyond. It was established in 1981 and lobbies and campaigns on a broad range of human rights issues. CAJ seeks to secure the highest standards in the administration of justice in Northern Ireland by ensuring that the Government complies with its obligations in international human rights law.


SPIRASI is a humanitarian, intercultural, non-governmental organisation that works with asylum seekers, refugees and other disadvantaged migrant groups, with special concern for survivors of torture. In partnership with others, SPIRASI enables access to specialist services to promote the well-being of the human person, and encourages self-reliance and integration into Ireland.

Brandon Hamber

Brandon Hambers homepage, an academic that focuses on the psychological implications of strategies for dealing with a violent political past such as truth commissions, reconciliation as a theoretical and applicable concept, truth recovery processes and transitional justice more broadly, healing and dealing with the psychological legacy of violence, as well as comparative research on violence and crime in countries in transition.

Addressing the Special Needs of Survivors of Torture

The aim of all of Spirasi’s programmes is to address some of the unmet health and social needs of the asylum seekers arriving in Ireland and to facilitate those who are granted refugee status to integrate into Irish society. Within Spirasi, the Centre for the Care of Survivors of Torture works with refugees and asylum seekers who have been tortured or suffered other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment to try to achieve as full a recovery as possible from the effects of that abuse. This is achieved by providing psycho-social support and specific therapies in as culturally and linguistically appropriate a way as possible.

The SPIRASI Centre for the Care of Survivors of Torture (CCST)

The Centre for the Care of Survivors of Torture (CCST), established in 2001, is dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of survivors of torture. The Centre provides a comprehensive range of specialist services, (Client Services) such as medical assessments, counseling and complimentary therapies. Medico-legal reports can be prepared for clients as part of the asylum determination process.

War Child

War Child is a network of independent organisations working across the world to help children affected by war. War Child UK was founded in February 1993 by Bill Leeson and David Wilson, two film makers, after they had returned from the former Yugoslavia having made a film for the BBC Arena programme about the role of artists in war. We are committed to protecting and supporting children affected by armed conflict. We empower them to claim their rights, develop to their full potential and contribute to a peaceful future for themselves and their communities. Together we help children and young people make their voices heard.

Christians Against Torture

ACAT(UK) was formed in 1984 by the then British Council of Churches, with the active support of Amnesty International. ACAT is affiliated to the International Federation of Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (FiACAT) in Paris, and is a Body in Association with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. ACAT`s aim is to work, as Christians, for the abolition of torture worldwide. We seek to increase awareness in the Churches and among Christians of the widespread and evil use of torture and the need, for reasons of Christian faith, to campaign for its abolition.