Newsletter. Through Hell’s Jungle. Children’s Journey through the Darien Gap

Unspeakable Crimes Against Children: Sexual violence against children

Save the Children warns that children make up the majority of victims of sexual violence in world’s conflict and post-conflict zones. In the report ‘Unspeakable Crimes Against Children’, figures and testimonies are collated from a range of countries affected by conflict over the past decade, including Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia and Colombia. Reliable data on the issue is limited, as much sexual abuse goes unreported, but taken together, the figures collated in the report indicate that children frequently make up the majority of sexual abuse victims in war and its aftermath. Despite this, programmes to prevent children falling victim to sexual violence and help them recover from attacks remain chronically underfunded. The most recent complete global figures show that less than a quarter of the budget needed to protect children and women in emergencies was available. During its leadership of the G8, the UK government has vowed to prioritise the issue of sexual violence in conflict

Save the Children Psychological First Aid Training Manual for Child Practitioners with additional resources.

The Psychological First Aid Training Manual for Child Practitioners (PFA) was developed by Save the Children Denmark for the Child Protection Initiative, to facilitate training in psychological first aid with a focus on children. It is aimed at developing skills and competences that will help child protection staff reduce the initial distress of children who have recently been exposed to a traumatic event. The training targets Save the Childrens staff, partners, and professionals such as teachers, educators, health and social workers etc., and volunteers working directly with children in emergencies or in the aftermath of conflicts, natural disasters and critical events. It is available in Arabic. English, French and Spanish.

American Convention on Human Rights (Article 25)

Right to Judicial Protection 1. Everyone has the right to simple and prompt recourse, or any other effective recourse, to a competent court or tribunal for protection against acts that violate his fundamental rights recognized by the constitution or laws of the state concerned or by this Convention, even though such violation may have been committed by persons acting in the course of their official duties.

Working With Adolescent Girl GBV Survivors On The Move: Facilitator’s Training Manual

Understanding the diverse experiences of adolescent girls, the risks of GBV they face,
and barriers to getting assistance while on the move. By ensuring effective communication with
adolescent girls on the move. Working with adolescent girls to reduce the
GBV risks they face while on the move. Adapting quality care and support for GBV
survivors to adolescent girls in all their diversity and respond to the risks and barriers
to assistance they face while on the move. Understanding and using existing resources
(tools, guidance and training materials) to support these aims.