Older refugees face particular challenges because their health and social needs are largely overlooked in humanitarian programmes, policies and research. The few studies available have shown that older refugees suffer from a high prevalence of non-communicable diseases, including mental health problems, increased social isolation and poverty, and difficulty accessing health and social services. This article aims to provide further in-depth understanding of how service providers perceive health and social challenges of older Syrian refugees living in Lebanon.
In humanitarian emergencies and conflict situations psychological damage has traditionally not been addressed, its extent and impact have not been well studied. It is only through a greater focus of mental health problems as a result of war and conflict, can coherent and effective strategies for dealing with such problems be developed.
Established in 1988, is a Right based Regional NGO with a long track record in resources production in issues related to community development. In addition, ARC has been a partner of the NCMH in its “Mental Health program for a new Generation in the Arab Countries” since 2005 which included resources production and adaptation.
The victims seen at the centre are victims of the Lebanese war and of power abuse in Lebanon and the region. Victims are identified and participate with their families in programmes of treatment for survivors of torture and violence.
Rehabilitation center for victims of torture in Lebanon.