The article suggests that addressing psychological distress during the early phase in a resettlement country may promote long-term refugee adjustment and reduce exposure to acculturative hassles.
One of the little-asked questions in debates over the death penalty is what happens to the children of the offender. The arrest, sentencing and (potential)execution of a parent affect children greatly, but they receive little consideration and less support.
In humanitarian emergencies and conflict situations psychological damage has traditionally not been addressed, its extent and impact have not been well studied. It is only through a greater focus of mental health problems as a result of war and conflict, can coherent and effective strategies for dealing with such problems be developed.
The article offers an overview discussion of ethnocultural aspects of PTSD, with special attention to major conceptual issues, clinical considerations, and therapy practices. The historical circumstances leading to the widespread acceptance of PTSD among conventional mental health professionals, and the subsequent criticisms that emerged from scholars, humanitarian workers, and ethnocultural minorities are presented as an important background to the current controversial status of the concept, especially with regard to arguments regarding the ethnocultural determinants of PTSD (10 pags, .pdf).
Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women by Vietnam- Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women – 25th session 2-20 – June 2001