Introduction of our new project coordinator for the Spanish speaking readers and improvement of our Gender based violence website
We are proud to announce Diana Carolina Montoya as our Project coordinator for our work in the Latin American and Spanish speaking region. Carolina is a psychologist from Colombia, with a Master in Latin American studies from the University of Stockholm. Her thesis focuses on the social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants that were involved in the armed conflict in Colombia. She has also attended a course in Sustainable Development at the ETH Zürich and MIT, in Slovakia in 2007. She also participated in a course in Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration at the Folke Bernadotte Academy in Stockholm, Sweden in 2011. Her main area of responsibility at the HHRI now is being in charge of the work with the GBV manual and adapting it for application in Spanish-speaking countries, maintain the Spanish part of our data search engine and our thematic pages. Carolina is happy to receive any feedback, comments and ideas regarding her engagement with these issues.
We will also in this letter introduce you to our Gender based violence manual – website. This website is concentrated on our manualMental health and gender-based violence Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict – a training manual”. “On this web site, you can download the manual and have a closer look at the pilots –trainings that we organized prior to the completion of the manual. We have edited the Butterfly- woman story into one continuous story, as well presented the other tools, such as the grounding exercises, the helping the helpers part and ideas as to how you can conduct training in your context. This website is also translated to Spanish. Even though the manual itself, is not translated yet, many of the elements are now in Spanish. You will be able to read the Butterfly woman story, do grounding exercises and hopefully to set up your own training based on this. If you are interested in organizing training at your workplace, in your organization or other relevant contexts, please send us an e-mail and we will provide you with more information and advice, should you want this.
Further reading
Articles, publications and websites that highlight different aspects of Gender based violence
- HHRI thematic page on Gender based violence
An extensive selection of links related to Gender Based Violence are gathered at this thematic page. Gender-based violence has become an umbrella term for any harm that is perpetrated against a person’s (woman or man), will, and that results from power inequalities that are based on gender roles. - Gender based violence manual web site
We have gathered a few tips and instructions on how to prepare when you are conducting a training based on the training manual – “Mental health and gender-based violence Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict”. A web site to ease your way into the training manual. - IASC Guidelines for Gender- based Violence interventions in humanitarian action
New release Guidelines with focus on practical aspects and approach ( f.e. shelter, security, food). Nothing in specific about mental health. – “Prevention of and response to sexual violence in emergencies” The GBV Guidelines have been revised from the 2005 version by an inter-agency Task Team led by UNICEF and UNFPA, and endorsed by the IASC in 2015 (pdf, 334 p.) - Engaging men
Gender equality cannot be achieved without the involvement of men and boys. But change is slowly taking place, and men are increasingly working alongside women to support gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. We have gathered more links on the subject under the headline on our thematic page on GBV.