Guidance document #45, Three protocols for the medico-legal documentation of psychological torture

Psychological torture, including methods without visible marks (sleep deprivation, solitary confinement, and threats, stealth torture), is rising. Documenting these methods poses challenges. Lawyers and health professionals need interdisciplinary tools for better documentation alongside existing frameworks like the Istanbul Protocol. This article outlines methodology for developing additional instruments to document psychological torture, focusing on the Sleep Deprivation Protocol. We give thanks to Torture Journal’s for the permission to republish and reprint the three protocols that were first published individually in the journal.

Caring for child survivors of sexual abuse guidelines

The Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse (CCS) Guidelines (Second Edition, December 2023) offers an up-to-date global technical guidance on providing a model of quality care for children and families affected by sexual abuse in humanitarian settings. These Guidelines are a revision of the 2012 CCS Guidelines (First Edition). They include both revised and content additions based on practitioner feedback, the most recent evidence and learning. The new Guidelines aim to bring a stronger focus on gender inequality, intersectionality, as well as the connections between the best interests of the child and a survivor-centered approach.

IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings

These guidelines reflect the insights of practitioners from different geographic regions, disciplines and sectors, and reflect an emerging consensus on good practice among practitioners. The core idea behind them is that, in the early phase of an emergency, social supports are essential to protect and support mental health and psychosocial well-being. In addition, the guidelines recommend selected psychological and psychiatric interventions for specific problems.

Зміцнення життєвої стійкості українських дітей. Strengthening the resilience of Ukrainian children.

Інструменти для батьків, які хочуть допомогти дітям почуватися краще під час та після війни.  Ви зможете завантажити українську версію тут Tools for parents who want to assist their children in feeling better during and after the war.

Conflict-related sexual violence – report of the United nations Secretary-general 2019

The present report, which covers the period from January to December 2019, is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2467 (2019), in which the Council requested me to report on the implementation of resolutions 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009), 1960 (2010) and 2106 (2013).

Preparing for crises in the schools: A manual for building school crisis response teams

This manual, developed by UNESCO and the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, provides guidance for educators on preparing children and schools for crisis situations. It includes strategies for promoting mental well-being and resilience among students and staff.

Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response

he Sphere Handbook provides a set of minimum standards for humanitarian response, including standards related to mental health and psychosocial support. It emphasizes the importance of preparedness and prevention measures to address the psychosocial impacts of crises.

Mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies

UNICEF has developed a framework that outlines principles and strategies for providing mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings. It includes recommendations for preparedness and prevention activities aimed at promoting the well-being of individuals and communities.

A Resilience Approach

Developed by Mercy Corps, this guide offers practical tools and methodologies for integrating resilience-building approaches into humanitarian programming. It emphasizes the importance of addressing psychosocial and mental health needs as part of resilience-building efforts.

Community-based Psychosocial Support – Facilitator Manual

Produced by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), this manual provides a framework for implementing community-based psychosocial support programs. It focuses on building community resilience and fostering social support networks to enhance mental well-being before, during, and after crises

Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2030

This action plan outlines strategies for promoting mental health and well-being, including preparedness and prevention measures. It emphasizes the importance of integrating mental health into public health and emergency response frameworks.

Are you a survivor?

Dear survivor and those of you who are close to a survivor. Having one’s human rights violated can lead to painful short and/or long-term physical and/or psychological consequences. In the following you can find information and resources that we hope will be of help to take the first steps to move on in life.

A conceptual framework to guide the implementation of best and next practice in services and supports for Veterans and their Families

The Conceptual Framework to Guide the Implementation of Best and Next Practice in Services and Supports for Veterans and their Families (the Conceptual Framework) has been developed as a collaboration between Phoenix Australia – Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health (Phoenix Australia) and Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families (Atlas Institute). We have come together as intermediary organisations in the field of Veteran and military mental health, united by a shared purpose – to serve those who have served – and shared vision – to optimise the wellbeing of current and former Defence members through the best possible system of support and care.

Mechanisms of Risk and Resilience in Military Families: Theoretical and Empirical Basis of a Family-Focused Resilience Enhancement Program

It is increasingly clear that wartime deployment is a family matter. Almost half of today’s active duty forces are parents, and continuing hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan ensure that growing numbers of military families will experience repeated cycles of separation in a context of danger that may span across years of each family’s development. Research conducted since the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) in Iraq point to the strain that wartime deployment places on families, as gauged by a broad range of indicators.

What is Resilience

Resilience is the ability to cope with, adapt to, and overcome challenges. With resiliency training, children and families learn not just to meet challenges but also to become stronger in the face of challenges. Developed by a UCLA-Harvard team, FOCUS teaches Military children and families to understand their emotional reactions, communicate more clearly, solve problems more effectively, and set and achieve their goals. Parents and children—from preschoolers to teens—learn to use tools that will aid in their everyday interactions and help them become a more complete and functional family.

Suicide prevention and peer support in the Armed Forces

Being in the Armed Forces means that you are exposed to a higher degree of risk and pressure than you might expect in other jobs. This booklet is intended to help you look out for your teammates by giving you guidance on how to discuss things with them and about some of the support that is available.

Sleep Problems in Veterans with PTSD

Sleep problems—in particular chronic insomnia and nightmares—are frequently some of the most troubling aspects of PTSD. While these sleep problems are considered symptoms of PTSD, the evidence suggests that they tend to become independent problems over time that warrant sleep-focused assessment and treatment. There are both pharmacologic and cognitive behavioral treatment options available.

How Common is PTSD in Veterans?

When you serve in the military, you may be exposed to different traumatic events than civilians. The war you served in may also affect your risk because of the types of trauma that were common. War zone deployment, training accidents and military sexual trauma (or, MST) may lead to PTSD. Learn how many Veterans have PTSD.

Key to empowering veterans and returning combatants lies at the local level

The purpose of this desk aid is to help you better understand veterans and their families who might interact with your policies or services, be a customer or require support and advice. Understanding more about this community will allow you to design, adapt and evolve your work to make sure it is accessible and effective. The desk aid contains 10 introductory facts and key points about the veteran community. We hope you find it a helpful introduction and a source for finding out further relevant information to support your work.

ГО “Об’єднання Добровольців” та їхня робота з ветеранами в громадах. NGO “Union of Volunteers” and their work with veterans in communities

Переможці конкурсу Варто+ГО від Українського ветеранського фонду Мінветеранів — громадська організація “Об’єднання Добровольців” з Львівської області. Їхня пріоритетна задача на сьогодні — допомогти ветеранам та ветеранкам, дорослим та дітям, які того потребують, адаптуватись до цивільного життя, соціалізуватись та прийняти нові умови та реальність.

The winners of the Varto+NGO competition from the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans is the public organization “Union of Volunteers” from Lviv region.  Their top priority task today is to help veterans, adults and children who need it, adapt to civilian life, socialize, and accept new conditions and reality.

Безкоштовна психологічна допомога. Free psychological help

Безкоштовна психологічна допомога: як її отримати ветеранам та їх рідним. Ментальне здоров’я не менш важливе ніж фізичне. Ветерани війни та члені їх родин мають право на безоплатну психологічну реабілітацію, повідомляє Міністерство охорони здоров’я України.
Free psychological help: how veterans and their families can get it. Mental health is no less important than physical health. War veterans and their family members have the right to free psychological rehabilitation, as reported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Ветерани. Veteran Hub

Ветерани та ветеранки починають повертатися до цивільного життя та роботи, а працедавці — готуватися до їх повернення. Спільна праця незабаром стане основою нашої повоєнної відбудови, тож завдання компаній — забезпечити гідні можливості та процеси при працевлаштуванні для захисників та захисниць. Ми пропонуємо компаніям підтримку та супроводжуємо їх у впровадженні дружніх до ветеранів практик.

Veterans are beginning to reintegrate into civilian life and work, while employers are preparing for their return.  Collaborative efforts will soon form the cornerstone of our post-war reconstruction, so it is the task of companies to ensure dignified opportunities and processes for the employment of defenders. We offer support to companies and accompany them in implementing veteran-friendly practices.

Організація психосоціальної допомоги ветеранам війни та членам їхніх сімей. The Organization of Psychosocial Assistance to War Veterans and Their Families

Метою цього видання є сприяння органам місцевого самоврядування (на рівні терито ріальних громад) в організації роботи з надання психосоціальної допомоги ветеранам / ветеранкам війни, особам, прирівняним до них, та членам їхніх сімей, членам сімей загиблих (померлих) захисників України (далі – «ветеранам та членам їхніх сімей»). The aim of this publication is to facilitate local self-government bodies in organising work on providing psychosocial assistance to war veterans, persons equal to them, and their family members,  as well as to the families of deceased defenders of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as “veterans and their family members”).

Психологічна робота з військовослужбовцями. Psychological work with soldiers

У методичному посібнику викладено основні етапи організації системи медико-психологічної реабілітації військовослужбовців – учасників бойових дій. Запропоновано основні принципи та критерії діагностики посттравматичних стресових розладів і розладів адаптації. The methodological guide outlines the main stages of organizing a system for medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel – participants in combat operations. It proposes basic principles and criteria for diagnosing post-traumatic stress disorders and adaptation disorders.

Керівництво із самодопомоги. Self-Help Guide Topics

Керівництво із самодопомоги було розроблено фахівцями з питань психічного здоров’я, які працюють у Combat Stress у співпраці з ветеранами. Серія була спеціально розроблена, щоб надати поради та підтримку колишнім військовослужбовцям і жінкам, які мають проблеми з психічним здоров’ям. Self-help guides have been developed by the specialist mental health clinicians working at Combat Stress in collaboration with veterans. The series has been specifically designed to provide guidance and support to former servicemen and women experiencing mental health issues.

Depression treatment for Veterans

Depression is a serious illness, but this common mental health problem is also highly treatable. Find out how to access depression health services through VA.

Veteran suicide prevention

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). A resource page specifically focused on suicide prevention within the context of mental health care for veterans. The VA offers a wide range of services and support for veterans, including mental health care, and suicide prevention is a critical aspect of that care due to the heightened risk of suicide among veterans. This page likely provides information about suicide prevention resources, support services, and strategies aimed at helping veterans who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

Veteran and Military Suicide Prevention Resources

The webpage that provided resources related to veteran and military suicide prevention. It likely contains information, support services, and resources aimed at preventing suicide among veterans and active-duty military personnel. These resources may include hotlines, support groups, counseling services, educational materials, and other tools designed to help individuals in crisis or those who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts or mental health issues.

Ageism, an invisible social determinant of health for older Syrian refugees in Lebanon: a service providers’ perspective

Older refugees face particular challenges because their health and social needs are largely overlooked in humanitarian programmes, policies and research. The few studies available have shown that older refugees suffer from a high prevalence of non-communicable diseases, including mental health problems, increased social isolation and poverty, and difficulty accessing health and social services. This article aims to provide further in-depth understanding of how service providers perceive health and social challenges of older Syrian refugees living in Lebanon.

Addressing the mental health needs of older adult refugees: Perspectives of multi-sector community key informants

Older adult refugees, in particular, may be at a unique risk but are underrepresented in public health promotion programs or research. When unaddressed, mental health issues can have long-term consequences for morbidity and early mortality among older adult refugees. Resettled refugees experience a high prevalence of mental health-related issues, such as depression, psychological distress, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compared to their native-born counterparts.

A claim to dignity: Ageing on the move

There is little information on the situation of older persons on the move in the Latin American region. This regional evaluation is the first one to make a comprehensive analysis on the intersectionality between ageing and human mobility. The current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic is also analysed, including the worsening access to rights and services and the impact in their lives.

Policy on Age, Gender and Diversity Accountability

The purpose of this Policy is to reinforce UNHCR’s longstanding commitment to ensuring that people are at the centre of all that we do. This requires that we apply an age, gender, and diversity (AGD) approach to all aspects of our work. Through this Policy, we aim to ensure that persons of concern can enjoy their rights on an equal footing and participate meaningfully in the decisions that affect their lives, families, and communities.

Facilitator’s Guide: Working with older persons in forced displacement

To strengthen the capacities of UNHCR and its partners to achieve better lives for older peoples,  this  training  module  on  Strengthening  the  protection  of  older  persons  in  forced  displacement was developed in collaboration with HelpAge  International  to  provide  a  basic  introduction  about older age in the context of forced displacement. It analyses the protection concerns that older persons face in  these  situations  and  explores  strategies  that  can  be  used to mitigate them.

Older persons in forced displacement- intersecting risks

In 2017, 85% of displaced persons were hosted in developing regions5, where service systems, including services required by older persons, are already under pressure and capacity to scale up these systems is limited. Further, forcibly displaced older persons often face additional obstacles to integrating into their host communities, due to having fewer opportunities for participation and building of social networks, such as through education or work.

Older refugees – Integration Handbook

Older refugees face particular risks during displacement, and face additional barriers to access protection and assistance, including during resettlement and integration. Stakeholders involved throughout the integration process should develop a thorough understanding of the needs, capacities and barriers that older persons may face, and plan dedicated strategies to address them.

Practical guidelines on psychosocial health and wellbeing: Elderly refugees

These PRACTICAL GUIDELINES have been produced to support helpers in their work. This set of guidelines focuses on elderly people who, because of their age and associated health profiles, may be especially vulnerable to uprooting and forced displacement, and build on a long experience dealing with the psychosocial impact of conflicts and natural disasters. The elderly are a population that is often forgotten and neglected in conflict and other humanitarian settings. The guidelines are not meant to be prescriptive, but rather seek to provide ideas on how to respond to what are likely to be new circumstances, new questions and new demands.

Older persons

During times of displacement, older persons have urgent rights and needs. They can be particularly at risk of abuse and neglect during conflict or natural disasters, when a lack of mobility, diminished vision and chronic illnesses can make access to support difficult. Today, older refugees make up some 4 per cent of the overall population of concern to UNHCR, and by 2050 more of the world will be over 60 than under 12 years old.

Child Soldier Teaching Guide

Michel is like many other five-year-olds: he has a loving family and spends his days going to school and playing soccer. But in 1993, the Democratic Republic of Congo, where Michel and his family live, is a country in tumult. One afternoon, Michel and his friends are kidnapped by rebel militants and forced to become child soldiers. Child Soldier is the sometimes heartbreaking but ultimately inspiring true story of the triumph of the human spirit.

Child Soldiers. Care & Protection of Children in Emergencies – A Field Guide

The “Field Guide to Child Soldier Programs in Emergencies” is one in a series compiled by Save the Children (SC) as part of its Children and War Capacity Building Initiative. The SC Children in Crisis Unit developed this initiative in order to support SC staff in responding to the priority care and protection needs of children and adolescents during new emergencies and in situations of chronic armed conflict or displacement.