MHHRI psychological first aid and Ukrainian resources

2022Mental Health and Human Rights Info

We have here gathered some of the resources that we have used in our work together with AHALAR, in Ukraine over the last two years.

Here you can find the toolbox which is a collection of the tools that contains grounding exercises, metaphors, window of tolerance among other tools to provide psychological assistance in crises and emergencies.  You can get it in the following languages: Ukrainian,  English,  Norwegian and Romanian. In addition we have compiled in the following newsletter information about psychological first aid developed for helpers, volunteers and professionals engaged in emergency work to support to persons exposed to war trauma, separation, loss, including sexual violence. The PS Centre has produced a video in Ukrainian introducing the principles of Psychological First Aid. This video explains what PFA is and how its principles can be applied to help someone in distress. One of the main human rights violations in the context of war is sexual violence. With our manual “Mental health and gender-based violence Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict – a training manual” you can provide psychological assistance to the survivors. The manual is also available in Ukrainian. In addition, we have a three-day online webinar based on the “Mental health and gender-based violence Helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict – a training manual” The core topics are: Gender Based Violence (GBV) Likewise, the Power Point presentation for the three days training is available in English download it download it here.  Talking to survivors of trauma also affects the helper.  For all helpers empathy is an essential aspect of good help. This is also a source for compassion fatigue, vicarious traumatisation or secondary traumatic stress (STS). In the following Power Point you can find practical information in English.
Guide for refugee parents is also availabel in Ukranian developed by psychologists Atle Dyregrov and Magne Raundalen. The parental role is demanding when everyday life is insecure. A good strategy is to focus on issues you are able to do something about, such as establishing good routines and habits. Children need parents who can give them assurance and positive attention and be there for them. Children need regularity and it is crucial that every day feels safe and predictable.
Psychological first aid (PFA) for helpers working with people within Ukraine and impacted countries

Here you can use practical help through this Power Point document is part of the webinar Wellbeing, risk and human rights  - life as a human rights defender – in English

The organisation PRO.Школу has produced a number of videos - Free psychological support for teachers. It is also possible to apply be able to join the facebook group Psy Crisis Team Ukraine with the aim to share access to proven methods of professional self-support, supervision, and sometimes even basic security . They coordinate and provide all possible support to psychologists who, due to circumstances, provide emergency psychological assistance related to the war in Ukraine.

Key wordsgender based violence / Helping the helper / Psychological first aid / psychological support
