Us Too. Sexual Violence Against North Korean Women & Girls
2018James Burt
UsTooNK This publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence, with the exception of all photos and graphics. You may copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt this publication, except for its photos and graphics, provided that you attribute the work to the Korea Future Initiative and its author and it is used for non-commercial, educational, or public policy purposes. Korea Future Initiative welcomes requests for permission to translate this publication, in part or in full. Applications and enquiries should be addressed to the contact information found on the website. The full licence terms are available from: Recommended citation Burt, J. (2018). Us Too: Sexual Violence Against North Korean Women and Girls. London: Korea Future Initiative. Published by Korea Future Initiative, London, United Kingdom. Author James Burt Research Assistants Jaeyoung Wee; Nah-Yeon Kim; Heejin Choi; Young Sun Song; Nayoung Ahn; Sohyeon Song; Suyeon Yoo; Mira Shin; Younghoon Jo. Designed by Alex Howell Cover Photograph Songdowon International Children s Union Camp. Wŏnsan, North Korea by Stephan. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Available at
Key wordschild sexual abuse / gender based violence / sexual abuse / Violence Against Women
CountriesJapan / Korea